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Simulates a sun flare effect on the image by adding circles of light.

    This transform creates a sun flare effect by overlaying multiple semi-transparent
    circles of varying sizes and intensities along a line originating from a "sun" point.
    It offers two methods: a simple overlay technique and a more complex physics-based approach.

        flare_roi (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Region of interest where the sun flare
            can appear. Values are in the range [0, 1] and represent (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
            in relative coordinates. Default: (0, 0, 1, 0.5).
        angle_range (tuple[float, float]): Range of angles (in radians) for the flare direction.
            Values should be in the range [0, 1], where 0 represents 0 radians and 1 represents 2π radians.
            Default: (0, 1).
        num_flare_circles_range (tuple[int, int]): Range for the number of flare circles to generate.
            Default: (6, 10).
        src_radius (int): Radius of the sun circle in pixels. Default: 400.
        src_color (tuple[int, int, int]): Color of the sun in RGB format. Default: (255, 255, 255).
        method (Literal["overlay", "physics_based"]): Method to use for generating the sun flare.
            "overlay" uses a simple alpha blending technique, while "physics_based" simulates
            more realistic optical phenomena. Default: "physics_based".

        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5.


    Image types:
        uint8, float32

    Number of channels:
        - overlay: Any
        - physics_based: RGB

        The transform offers two methods for generating sun flares:

        1. Overlay Method ("overlay"):
           - Creates a simple sun flare effect using basic alpha blending.
           - Steps:
             a. Generate the main sun circle with a radial gradient.
             b. Create smaller flare circles along the flare line.
             c. Blend these elements with the original image using alpha compositing.
           - Characteristics:
             * Faster computation
             * Less realistic appearance
             * Suitable for basic augmentation or when performance is a priority

        2. Physics-based Method ("physics_based"):
           - Simulates more realistic optical phenomena observed in actual lens flares.
           - Steps:
             a. Create a separate flare layer for complex manipulations.
             b. Add the main sun circle and diffraction spikes to simulate light diffraction.
             c. Generate and add multiple flare circles with varying properties.
             d. Apply Gaussian blur to create a soft, glowing effect.
             e. Create and apply a radial gradient mask for natural fading from the center.
             f. Simulate chromatic aberration by applying different blurs to color channels.
             g. Blend the flare with the original image using screen blending mode.
           - Characteristics:
             * More computationally intensive
             * Produces more realistic and visually appealing results
             * Includes effects like diffraction spikes and chromatic aberration
             * Suitable for high-quality augmentation or realistic image synthesis

    Mathematical Formulation:
        For both methods:
        1. Sun position (x_s, y_s) is randomly chosen within the specified ROI.
        2. Flare angle θ is randomly chosen from the angle_range.
        3. For each flare circle i:
           - Position (x_i, y_i) = (x_s + t_i * cos(θ), y_s + t_i * sin(θ))
             where t_i is a random distance along the flare line.
           - Radius r_i is randomly chosen, with larger circles closer to the sun.
           - Alpha (transparency) alpha_i is randomly chosen in the range [0.05, 0.2].
           - Color (R_i, G_i, B_i) is randomly chosen close to src_color.

        Overlay method blending:
        new_pixel = (1 - alpha_i) * original_pixel + alpha_i * flare_color_i

        Physics-based method blending:
        new_pixel = 255 - ((255 - original_pixel) * (255 - flare_pixel) / 255)

        4. Each flare circle is blended with the image using alpha compositing:
           new_pixel = (1 - alpha_i) * original_pixel + alpha_i * flare_color_i

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, [1000, 1000, 3], dtype=np.uint8)

        # Default sun flare (overlay method)
        >>> transform = A.RandomSunFlare(p=1.0)
        >>> flared_image = transform(image=image)["image"]

        # Physics-based sun flare with custom parameters

        # Default sun flare
        >>> transform = A.RandomSunFlare(p=1.0)
        >>> flared_image = transform(image=image)["image"]

        # Custom sun flare parameters

        >>> transform = A.RandomSunFlare(
        ...     flare_roi=(0.1, 0, 0.9, 0.3),
        ...     angle_range=(0.25, 0.75),
        ...     num_flare_circles_range=(5, 15),
        ...     src_radius=200,
        ...     src_color=(255, 200, 100),
        ...     method="physics_based",
        ...     p=1.0
        ... )
        >>> flared_image = transform(image=image)["image"]

        - Lens flare: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens_flare
        - Alpha compositing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
        - Diffraction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffraction
        - Chromatic aberration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatic_aberration
        - Screen blending: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes#Screen


  • flare_roi: tuple[float, float, float, float] (default: (0, 0, 1, 0.5))
  • src_radius: int (default: 400)
  • src_color: tuple[int, ...] (default: (255, 255, 255))
  • angle_range: tuple[float, float] (default: (0, 1))
  • num_flare_circles_range: tuple[int, int] (default: (6, 10))
  • method: Literal['overlay', 'physics_based'] (default: 'overlay')
  • p: float (default: 0.5)


  • Image

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