Pad the sides of a 3D volume by specified number of voxels. Args: padding (int, tuple[int, int, int] or tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]): Padding values. Can be: * int - pad all sides by this value * tuple[int, int, int] - symmetric padding (depth, height, width) where each value is applied to both sides of the corresponding dimension * tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int] - explicit padding per side in order: (depth_front, depth_back, height_top, height_bottom, width_left, width_right) fill (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for image fill_mask (tuple[float, ...] | float): Padding value for mask p (float): probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0. Targets: volume, mask3d, keypoints Image types: uint8, float32 Note: Input volume should be a numpy array with dimensions ordered as (z, y, x) or (depth, height, width), with optional channel dimension as the last axis.
- padding
- type:int | tuple[int, int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]Default:null
- fill
- type:tuple[float, ...] | floatDefault:0
- fill_mask
- type:tuple[float, ...] | floatDefault:0