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Apply optical distortion to images, masks, bounding boxes, and keypoints. This transformation simulates lens distortion effects by warping the image using a camera matrix and distortion coefficients. It's particularly useful for augmenting data in computer vision tasks where camera lens effects are relevant. Args: distort_limit (float or tuple of float): Range of distortion coefficient. If distort_limit is a single float, the range will be (-distort_limit, distort_limit). Default: (-0.05, 0.05). shift_limit (float or tuple of float): Range of shifts for the image center. If shift_limit is a single float, the range will be (-shift_limit, shift_limit). Default: (-0.05, 0.05). interpolation (OpenCV flag): Interpolation method used for image transformation. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR. border_mode (OpenCV flag): Border mode used for handling pixels outside the image. Should be one of: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT, cv2.BORDER_WRAP, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101. Default: cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101. value (int, float, list of int, list of float): Padding value if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: None. mask_value (int, float, list of int, list of float): Padding value for mask if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: None. mask_interpolation (OpenCV flag): Flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for mask. Should be one of: cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4. Default: cv2.INTER_NEAREST. p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5. Targets: image, mask, bboxes, keypoints Image types: uint8, float32 Note: - The distortion is applied using OpenCV's initUndistortRectifyMap and remap functions. - The distortion coefficient (k) is randomly sampled from the distort_limit range. - The image center is shifted by dx and dy, randomly sampled from the shift_limit range. - Bounding boxes and keypoints are transformed along with the image to maintain consistency. Example: >>> import albumentations as A >>> transform = A.Compose([ ... A.OpticalDistortion(distort_limit=0.1, shift_limit=0.1, p=1.0), ... ]) >>> transformed = transform(image=image, mask=mask, bboxes=bboxes, keypoints=keypoints) >>> transformed_image = transformed['image'] >>> transformed_mask = transformed['mask'] >>> transformed_bboxes = transformed['bboxes'] >>> transformed_keypoints = transformed['keypoints']
- distort_limit: int | tuple[int, int] | float | tuple[float, float] (default: (-0.05, 0.05))
- shift_limit: int | tuple[int, int] | float | tuple[float, float] (default: (-0.05, 0.05))
- interpolation: Literal['cv2.INTER_NEAREST', 'cv2.INTER_LINEAR', 'cv2.INTER_CUBIC', 'cv2.INTER_AREA', 'cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4', 'cv2.INTER_BITS', 'cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT', 'cv2.INTER_MAX'] (default: 1)
- border_mode: Literal['cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT', 'cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE', 'cv2.BORDER_REFLECT', 'cv2.BORDER_WRAP', 'cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT', 'cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT'] (default: 4)
- value: float | Sequence[float] | None (default: null)
- mask_value: float | Sequence[float] | None (default: null)
- mask_interpolation: Literal['cv2.INTER_NEAREST', 'cv2.INTER_LINEAR', 'cv2.INTER_CUBIC', 'cv2.INTER_AREA', 'cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4', 'cv2.INTER_BITS', 'cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT', 'cv2.INTER_MAX'] (default: 0)
- p: float (default: 0.5)
- Image
- Mask
- BBoxes
- Keypoints
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