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Apply motion blur to the input image using a random-sized kernel.

    This transform simulates the effect of camera or object motion during image capture,
    creating a directional blur. It uses a line-shaped kernel with random orientation
    to achieve this effect.

        blur_limit (int | tuple[int, int]): Maximum kernel size for blurring the input image.
            Should be in range [3, inf).
            - If a single int is provided, the kernel size will be randomly chosen
              between 3 and that value.
            - If a tuple of two ints is provided, it defines the inclusive range
              of possible kernel sizes.
            Default: (3, 7)

        allow_shifted (bool): If set to True, allows the motion blur kernel to be
            randomly shifted from the center. If False, the kernel will always be
            centered. Default: True

        p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 0.5


    Image types:
        uint8, float32

    Number of channels:

        - The blur kernel is always a straight line, simulating linear motion.
        - The angle of the motion blur is randomly chosen for each application.
        - Larger kernel sizes result in more pronounced motion blur effects.
        - When `allow_shifted` is True, the blur effect can appear more natural and varied,
          as it simulates motion that isn't perfectly centered in the frame.
        - This transform is particularly useful for:
          * Simulating camera shake or motion blur in action scenes
          * Data augmentation for object detection or tracking tasks
          * Creating more challenging inputs for image stabilization algorithms

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import albumentations as A
        >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, (100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        >>> transform = A.MotionBlur(blur_limit=7, allow_shifted=True, p=0.5)
        >>> result = transform(image=image)
        >>> motion_blurred_image = result["image"]

        - Motion blur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_blur
        - OpenCV filter2D (used internally):


  • p: float (default: 0.5)
  • allow_shifted: bool (default: true)
  • blur_limit: int | tuple[int, int] (default: 7)


  • Image

Try it out

Original Image (width = 484, height = 733):


Transformed Image:

Transform not yet applied