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Crop and pad images by pixel amounts or fractions of image sizes.
    Cropping removes pixels at the sides (i.e., extracts a subimage from a given full image).
    Padding adds pixels to the sides (e.g., black pixels).
    This transformation will never crop images below a height or width of 1.

        This transformation automatically resizes images back to their original size. To deactivate this, add the
        parameter `keep_size=False`.

        px (int,
            tuple[int, int],
            tuple[int, int, int, int],
            tuple[Union[int, tuple[int, int], list[int]],
                  Union[int, tuple[int, int], list[int]],
                  Union[int, tuple[int, int], list[int]],
                  Union[int, tuple[int, int], list[int]]]):
            The number of pixels to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side of the image.
                Either this or the parameter `percent` may be set, not both at the same time.

                * If `None`, then pixel-based cropping/padding will not be used.
                * If `int`, then that exact number of pixels will always be cropped/padded.
                * If a `tuple` of two `int`s with values `a` and `b`, then each side will be cropped/padded by a
                    random amount sampled uniformly per image and side from the interval `[a, b]`.
                    If `sample_independently` is set to `False`, only one value will be sampled per
                        image and used for all sides.
                * If a `tuple` of four entries, then the entries represent top, right, bottom, and left.
                    Each entry may be:
                    - A single `int` (always crop/pad by exactly that value).
                    - A `tuple` of two `int`s `a` and `b` (crop/pad by an amount within `[a, b]`).
                    - A `list` of `int`s (crop/pad by a random value that is contained in the `list`).

        percent (float,
                 tuple[float, float],
                 tuple[float, float, float, float],
                 tuple[Union[float, tuple[float, float], list[float]],
                       Union[float, tuple[float, float], list[float]],
                       Union[float, tuple[float, float], list[float]],
                       Union[float, tuple[float, float], list[float]]]):
            The number of pixels to crop (negative values) or pad (positive values) on each side of the image given
                as a *fraction* of the image height/width. E.g. if this is set to `-0.1`, the transformation will
                always crop away `10%` of the image's height at both the top and the bottom (both `10%` each),
                as well as `10%` of the width at the right and left. Expected value range is `(-1.0, inf)`.
                Either this or the parameter `px` may be set, not both at the same time.

                * If `None`, then fraction-based cropping/padding will not be used.
                * If `float`, then that fraction will always be cropped/padded.
                * If a `tuple` of two `float`s with values `a` and `b`, then each side will be cropped/padded by a
                random fraction sampled uniformly per image and side from the interval `[a, b]`.
                If `sample_independently` is set to `False`, only one value will be sampled per image and used
                for all sides.
                * If a `tuple` of four entries, then the entries represent top, right, bottom, and left.
                    Each entry may be:
                    - A single `float` (always crop/pad by exactly that percent value).
                    - A `tuple` of two `float`s `a` and `b` (crop/pad by a fraction from `[a, b]`).
                    - A `list` of `float`s (crop/pad by a random value that is contained in the `list`).

        pad_mode (int): OpenCV border mode.
        pad_cval (Union[int, float, tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], list[Union[int, float]]]):
            The constant value to use if the pad mode is `BORDER_CONSTANT`.
                * If `number`, then that value will be used.
                * If a `tuple` of two numbers and at least one of them is a `float`, then a random number
                    will be uniformly sampled per image from the continuous interval `[a, b]` and used as the value.
                    If both numbers are `int`s, the interval is discrete.
                * If a `list` of numbers, then a random value will be chosen from the elements of the `list` and
                    used as the value.

        pad_cval_mask (Union[int, float, tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], list[Union[int, float]]]):
            Same as `pad_cval` but only for masks.

        keep_size (bool):
            After cropping and padding, the resulting image will usually have a different height/width compared to
            the original input image. If this parameter is set to `True`, then the cropped/padded image will be
            resized to the input image's size, i.e., the output shape is always identical to the input shape.

        sample_independently (bool):
            If `False` and the values for `px`/`percent` result in exactly one probability distribution for all
            image sides, only one single value will be sampled from that probability distribution and used for
            all sides. I.e., the crop/pad amount then is the same for all sides. If `True`, four values
            will be sampled independently, one per side.

        interpolation (int):
            OpenCV flag that is used to specify the interpolation algorithm for images. Should be one of:
            `cv2.INTER_NEAREST`, `cv2.INTER_LINEAR`, `cv2.INTER_CUBIC`, `cv2.INTER_AREA`, `cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4`.
            Default: `cv2.INTER_LINEAR`.

        image, mask, bboxes, keypoints

    Image types:
        unit8, float32



  • p: float (default: 1)
  • px: int | tuple[int, int] | tuple[int, int, int, int] | tuple[int | tuple[int, int] | list[int], int | tuple[int, int] | list[int], int | tuple[int, int] | list[int], int | tuple[int, int] | list[int]] | None (default: null)
  • percent: float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float, float] | tuple[float | tuple[float, float] | list[float], float | tuple[float, float] | list[float], float | tuple[float, float] | list[float], float | tuple[float, float] | list[float]] | None (default: null)
  • pad_mode: Literal['cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT', 'cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE', 'cv2.BORDER_REFLECT', 'cv2.BORDER_WRAP', 'cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT', 'cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT'] (default: 0)
  • pad_cval: int | float | tuple[int | float, int | float] | list[int | float] (default: 0)
  • pad_cval_mask: int | float | tuple[int | float, int | float] | list[int | float] (default: 0)
  • keep_size: bool (default: true)
  • sample_independently: bool (default: true)
  • interpolation: Literal['cv2.INTER_NEAREST', 'cv2.INTER_LINEAR', 'cv2.INTER_CUBIC', 'cv2.INTER_AREA', 'cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4', 'cv2.INTER_BITS', 'cv2.INTER_NEAREST_EXACT', 'cv2.INTER_MAX'] (default: 1)


  • Image
  • Mask
  • BBoxes
  • Keypoints

Try it out

Original Image (width = 484, height = 733):


Transformed Image:

Transform not yet applied