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Crop a specific region from the input image. This transform crops a rectangular region from the input image, mask, bounding boxes, and keypoints based on specified coordinates. It's useful when you want to extract a specific area of interest from your inputs. Args: x_min (int): Minimum x-coordinate of the crop region (left edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0. y_min (int): Minimum y-coordinate of the crop region (top edge). Must be >= 0. Default: 0. x_max (int): Maximum x-coordinate of the crop region (right edge). Must be > x_min. Default: 1024. y_max (int): Maximum y-coordinate of the crop region (bottom edge). Must be > y_min. Default: 1024. pad_if_needed (bool): Whether to pad if crop coordinates exceed image dimensions. Default: False. pad_mode (OpenCV flag): OpenCV border mode used for padding. Default: cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. pad_cval (number | tuple[number] | list[number]): Padding value if border_mode is cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT. Default: 0. pad_cval_mask (number | tuple[number] | list[number]): Padding value for masks. Default: 0. pad_position (str): Position of padding ('center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'). Default: 'center'. always_apply (bool, optional): If set to True, the transform will be always applied. Default: None. p (float): Probability of applying the transform. Default: 1.0. Targets: image, mask, bboxes, keypoints Image types: uint8, float32 Note: - The crop coordinates are applied as follows: x_min <= x < x_max and y_min <= y < y_max. - If pad_if_needed is False and crop region extends beyond image boundaries, it will be clipped. - If pad_if_needed is True, image will be padded to accommodate the full crop region. - For bounding boxes and keypoints, coordinates are adjusted appropriately for both padding and cropping.
- x_min: int (default: 100)
- y_min: int (default: 100)
- x_max: int (default: 300)
- y_max: int (default: 500)
- pad_if_needed: bool (default: false)
- pad_mode: Literal['cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT', 'cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE', 'cv2.BORDER_REFLECT', 'cv2.BORDER_WRAP', 'cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT', 'cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT'] (default: 0)
- pad_cval: int | float | tuple[int | float, int | float] | list[int | float] (default: 0)
- pad_cval_mask: int | float | tuple[int | float, int | float] | list[int | float] (default: 0)
- pad_position: Literal['center', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right', 'random'] (default: 'center')
- p: float (default: 1)
- Image
- Mask
- BBoxes
- Keypoints
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